Hat: AmyJo Original Hats // Dress: Leandra Voila
Last weekend felt like the old days. Ya know.. the ones that existed before the Coronavirus. It was jam packed with in-person events with large groups of people. I co-hosted a fundraiser at the Gibbes Museum, celebrated the lives of two people who brought joy to so many and attended a branded event, a PGA party, and the 86th annual Carolina Cup!
Last year, the Carolina Cup was the very first event (in our lives) to be cancelled due to the virus outbreak. It was the first time life started to feel different and it was the catalyst to “the new normal.” Fourteen long months later we’re finally beginning to see the bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Though the races typically take place in March, this year the organization decided to push the event back to May to ensure it could actually happen. Their plan worked (thankfully), but the change of date also meant a change of weather. What is usually a spring kickoff event now took place during a South Carolina summer. But neither the sun nor 90+ degrees could stop us from having the best time. We spent the entire day eating great food (thanks Mable’s Kitchen), listening to music, and enjoying the company of thousands of people + some of our closest friends— all while being dressed to the nines. I even had a custom hat designed for the occasion and AmyJo killed it. I felt like a million bucks all day!
Keep scrolling for a peek at the first Saturday that felt normal in over a year!

Derby Napkins + Cups: Sweet Tea Hostess